A space housing the gratitude of a man toward his parents, at the same time it absorbs their mature expectations | Χώρος απόδοσης ευγνωμοσύνης του υιού προς τους γονείς του, και κατοικία των ώριμων προσδοκιών τους
a functional arrangement of spaces to house the needs of related specialists inside the envelope of a single medical centre
An idiosyncratic living unit attached faithfully to the behaviour of its inhabitants | Ιδιοσυγκρασιακή οικιστική μονάδα, πιστά προσκολλημένη στη συμπεριφορά των χρηστών της
Όριο, ως βάθος | Threshold, as depth
Living Together
βρύει μύρον | essence gush
Βίωμα, ως αίσθηση | Experience, embodied
An extrovert residential proposal on an atypical South-facing plot, that reserves most of the property for the garden. The arrangement juxtaposes, crosses, and blends, interior and exterior spaces, enabling interactions between the users and their artifacts.
An introvert residential proposal on a typical North-facing plot, that reserves most of the property for the garden.